Adriatic Solution is suitably structured to fulfill the VAT task on your behalf and to shoulder every responsibility to comply with the Croatian law. If you need more info and to appoint Adriatic Solution as your Fiscal Representative for Croatia please send us an email at You will be provided with a copy of the Contract Agreement and the required Annexes to obtain your CRO Fiscal Code and comply with the Croatian laws and regulations.

From May.01 2017 Croatian Tax Office has decreed to implement VAT on charters. The charter of yachts within Croatian Waters that are registered as Commercial Vessels and are used exclusively on “Charter” () cannot legally be exempt from the VAT. 

By using a combination of rules the VAT on charter yachts above 12 MT LOA will normally be 13.5% of the time that you spent in Croatian Waters during charter. In order to comply with the legislation, owning Companies must be registered for VAT in Croatia or appoint a Fiscal Representative in Croatia to manage the tax on their behalf .In both cases the opening of a VAT position is required.